All people will always crave the bright skin and dull not appear in public so that more confident. Even many who are willing to spend the millions of money just to do these skin care. Spend a few hours each day just to do maintenance dulit disalon some even do surgery to extreme means such as leather and many more just because the skin looks brighter though more luminous Actually, if we know what are the components that we will undoubtedly need skin can save money and not wasteful expenditure in terms of time just for leather affairs. and here are some tips to help brighten the skin to glow like the stars in the air:
Sea Food Seafood or ordinary people call it Seafood contains several components to supply the needs of the skin Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc (zinc) compound is able to help skin appear more smooth, clean, and radiant. The content of Omega-3 alone is able to reduce dry skin and inflammation. The inflammation can cause more rapid aging. Zeng her own womb capable metabolises testosterone can prevent acne at the same time help us all production to replace the damaged old skin cells with new skin cells.
Vitamin C Vitamin C or ordinary people are now also called the citrus is very good to keep skin smooth and fast as well to keep in shape. Because Vitamin C is also helps to produce collagen that is the component that prevents the occurrence of kekeriputan on human skin that cause premature aging. Consuming vitamin C from fruits, like oranges, grapefruit, cherries, tomatoes and others can help strengthen the skin and prevent wrinkles come fast that eventually lead to premature aging.
Vitamin E Because vitamin E can protect the skin so let me keep it moist. And protect the skin from the burning of the skin due to sunburn.
Vegetable Mayur Vegetables, especially the red and green are also very beneficial for the skin needs. Because vegetables contain many vitamins and nutritional components such as Vitamin A and Beta-Koroten substances that can menyupali needs of human skin. and certainly Vitamin A is contained in these vegetables can prevent the destruction of cells and premature aging as well as works to fight acne
Whole Wheat This is because wheat contains Vitamin B which can moisturize the skin and helps fight inflammation associated with skin damage. The content of biotin in wheat provide B vitamins, which help the cells to process fats. If you do not have enough biotin in your body, your skin will become dry and cracked.
In general, whole grains, will help skin complexion looks more appealing than a processed carbohydrate. Processed flour can cause an increase in insulin, which can cause acne. Avocado (no extra sweet milk or sugar) and fungi could provide the same advantages
So a few tips for caring for our skin to keep it bright, clean and bright and at the same time we can save expenses and not berboros-wasteful in time at the salon just for our skin care. hopefully be useful for all of us especially.
Rabu, 20 April 2011
tip brightens skin
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